Thursday, July 30, 2015

I Like to Believe it's Magic

I hit all the green lights on the way home from the store yesterday.  All of them.  I started thinking about how nice it would be to just get home, and so I decided to manifest that energy.  And I did it.  I couldn't believe it.

Call it coincidence if you like, but for me, there is no such thing as coincidence.  I firmly believe, through evidence garnered over the past seven months, that we do indeed create our own realities.

I started the year in a pretty bad place.  I was working two part time jobs, and barely making ends meet every month, even though I was working a total of 45 hours between the two places.  Misery permeated me.  This may have had something to do with working a drive through in terribly chilly weather (I am a flamingo, not a penguin!), but I wasn't happy.  I loved the people that I worked with, but I really disliked the job (working in food service is about as awesome as you think).  I continued down in this negative spiral, and because of this, my toes kept ramming themselves into doorjambs, cat litter trays, baseboards... pretty much anything that had a corner, my toes would find it.  This was a daily occurrence, sometimes a multiple daily occurrence.

Then one day, I walked into a cat litter tray hard enough to break my little toe.  I couldn't walk on it that night, I could barely walk the next couple days.  Broken toes hurt.  If you've never had one, you have no idea how much you use your feet every day, just by walking.  All the ligaments and tendons and muscles in your feet are connected.  I was relegated to crutches for at least a week, and I couldn't work at Starbucks with crutches.

I managed to get two blessed weeks off of my Starbucks job.  I didn't have to go to bed with the sun, or rise in the pitch-blackness of January's 4am.  I didn't have to monitor my caffeine intake after 2:00pm for fear that I wouldn't get to sleep at 9:00 (sleep is extremely important to me).

I decided to try something new.  I'd been dabbling with the Law of Attraction since I saw "What the Bleep Do We Know?", and had read The Secret recently, and started following Teal Swan and Abraham Hicks on Youtube, but never truly applied the concepts to my life.  So I decided to start.  Because I was unable to see all the things I was truly grateful for, I decided that I wanted to being a gratitude journal.

I began writing in it on January 18th, 2015, and wrote in it religiously, every night before I went to sleep.  I wrote down what feelings I was experiencing or had experienced throughout the day, as well as 10 things I was grateful for.  They started off as being "in the moment" things, like how much I enjoyed getting kitty kisses, or how warm my blankets were in the cold room.  That was fine, because I literally could not see the bigger things.  I was blinded by my own negativity.

Over time, it got easier.  That's because I literally rewired my brain.

We tend to get caught up in a negativity spiral.  It's easy.  You're having a bad day because Starbucks ran out of Pumpkin Spice.  You had to wait in the drive through line.  Someone cuts you off in traffic on the way to work.  Your supervisor is a hard-ass and wants you to work extra hard.  Your significant other gets mad because you have to work late.  Your cat pukes on your favorite shoes.  Everyone on Facebook is having a magnificent time in their perfect lives.  You stub your toe getting into bed.  You're in a foul mood when you go to sleep, so you're probably not in the best of moods when you wake up.  Then it happens all over again.

Even the news does this.  Negative headlines draw more people than fluffy and positive ones. If you are talking with your friend, and said friend starts complaining, you begin to complain too.  You commiserate together (my Starbucks friends and I did this a lot whenever we were out together off work time).  It's easier to see the bad things and dwell upon that mood than it is to change your brain and look for the good things.

But now, because I have been noticing more and more positivity in my life, I have come to acquire more and more positivity in my life.  Even though my car got totaled in June, I kept my sense of humor.  I tried to think of positive things.  Even though that day seemed like it would undo me, I pushed onwards.  If I let myself get caught up in the bad feelings, I would never break free.  It wasn't easy.  Dealing with releasing negative things never is.  But I have overcome a lot.

Does that mean that I am 100% happy and positive all the time, no matter what?  Hell no, I'm not a robot, I'm a dang human!  But I do consider myself, over all, a happier and more positive person now than I did even three months ago.

So what does this all have to do with getting all the green traffic lights?  It's easy.  The happier you are, the more good things you attract to you.  We are like magnets (although I really, really hate this analogy because magnetic poles attract opposite magnetic poles so it doesn't work in this situation but I haven't been able to think of a better comparison yet); we attract things to us.  Have you ever heard "Your vibe attracts your tribe"?  Why do you think celebrities hang out with other celebrities and millionaires with other millionaires?  It's not just that they have things in common to talk about.  It's that the brain waves they put off, their "vibration" is attracting those others to them.  So if you put out good vibes into the universe, you get good vibes back.  And once you start turning those vibes into intentions, you get the manifestation of those intentions.

So I was feeling good coming home from the store yesterday, and decided that I wanted only green lights at the seven traffic lights between me and my apartment.  And I got seven green lights in a row.

We are all magical like this.  You just have to believe.

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